It depends on order specification. It also depends on whether the customer agrees on mixing up the assortment of ordered products on pallets. In practice, the more we can mix, the more goods we can load and in the end the more money you save.
Yes. We do practice manual loading which increases the quantity we are able to load.
Yes. We are ready to help with organizing a shipping company. We also offer our own shipping options within the country as well as abroad.
After placing an order we will get back to you with the estimated space required on truck.
The ordering process time depends on product specification. Some of the products are available in stock. Others require some time, anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
Yes. We have been working with trusted and reliable shipping companies for years which are ready to deliver your goods in a safe manner and at affordable prices.
Yes. We do add labels – regular ones or with EAN barcodes, if needed. We can also add customer’s retail prices so once the goods are delivered they are ready to be put on the shelves. Details of labels are discussed with customers as needed.